Dep. Of Proctology & Surgery Toyosato Hospital


I am Dr. Toshihiko Yamada (the chief of Surgery and Proctology of Toyosato Hospitalj

Doctors and nurses are always pay atention to the sense of shame of the patients with hemorrhoidal diseases.

For female patients, the nurse cover her hips with the protective cloth@always.

Vice President of Toyosato Hospital. Chief of Surgery & Proctology. Doctor of Physiology. : Toshihiko Yamada. M.D.

Consultation Hour of Dr. Yamda.

Every Wednesday : 9:00.a.m.-12:00.a.m.

Every Friday : 9:00.a.m.-12:00.a.m.

Toyosato Hospital: 12-8 Toyosato-chou ,Inugamigun ,shiga-ken

Tel: 0749-35-3001

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